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About us

  Avante International is the specialist in the field of Infant and Baby formula. From formulation and brand development to packaging design and product sourcing. We manufacture and we package it at the finest facilities in New Zealand. Dairy Farming has a long and proud agricultural tradition in New Zealand. We now lead the world in milk powder production, and have the reputation of producing the highest quality due to a clean, green natural environment. Dairy products made from NZ milk have a beautiful unique flavour. The temperate climate, and the abundance of lush green pasture and clean water provide NZ with the world class conditions for dairy production. The New Zealand dairy industry and the Infant formula manufacturers have to conform with some very strict international quality regulations. All the ingredients and finished products have to conform to Australasian and Chinese regulations with are closely aligned to Codex. 阿旺特国际是一家专业婴幼儿配方奶粉的公司。从配方研制到原料采购,从树立品牌到包装设计都是由我们完成。生产和包装用的都是新西兰的设备。 乳制品牧场是新西兰的传统农业,历史悠久,是新西兰人的骄傲。我们在乳制品领域世界, 得益于洁净、绿色的自然环境,新西兰生产的乳制品质量上乘,名扬四海,。 新西兰的乳制品口感良好,别有风味。温和的气候,绿草丰富,水质干净给予了新西兰乳制品的的条件。 新西兰的乳制品工业和婴幼儿奶粉的生产商必须要符合一些非常严格的国际条款。所有的原料和制成品都必须遵守中国和澳洲的医药标准,